"Lorem ipsum People", love & passionate in IT. so let me show you how i can make your dream comes true. built something awesome with code, brainstorming to make solution for your IT assets and let`s see what we get from your data. not really good compare with other, but give me some chance and you will see what the magic is.
Contact Me CVI am Indra and I help people by make a solution for their problem with IT. I’ve always been passionate about IT and I enjoy helping my partner achieve their goals. My work has been featured in gitlab or online app web. On this website you’ll find lots of informatio.
Here is some result from my work with some great partners. I collaborate my skill and brilliant ideas from partners so this all awesome projects finally to be real!.
Audit MWA can handle diferent format of input about the audit. It can be repositories, an also can make the owner more easier to monitoring the proccess - Freelance Project
Forlet is web aplication that can be report respositories, and make some documents and covert it to PDF File. This is thesis project from management field collaborate with SMK PGRI 1 Porong - Freelance Project
You can make your order and payment proccess to be done only in this application. This is like thesis project that collaborate with OmahSehatCatering Malang. Integration with midtrans (Payment), Google(Auth) and Facebook(Auth). - College Project
This app designed to connect the head of functional and the bellow staff to make the permission more credible nad efficient which are given to the employee. So they can be do their work outside division or company. - Internship Project
This app designed to make monitoring progress of IT Division`s project more easier. To manage the task and who is to be responsible to make it done. - Internship Project
EduAkksa is like education platform about how you to do audit procces in some company. User can be lecturer or student and do study process in here. Integration with midtrans to handle paymet proccess - Freelance Project
AIM-Filkom is a web application that it can handle auditing internal proccess in Faculty Computer Science, Brawijaya University. - College Project
This website is information center about Piranha Smart Center that employee can change the content within website easily - Freelance project
This is an ERP web application that is already being used by at least 5 large companies. It includes various modules such as Purchasing, Sales, MRV, Shipping, and Accounting, along with a wide range of reports. I had the opportunity to develop new features and fix bugs in this ERP system. - Collaborate Project
Let`s together built something awesome, tell me when you ready!